Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The reason for this blog

Before I begin voicing my personal opinions, I would like to clarify the purpose of this blog.

This blog is not meant as an attack. Though I intend to write a lot of terrible things here about QC, its creator, and possibly his fans, I do not mean to do so maliciously. If this were an attack, I would be doing it on the QC forums, incessantly, expending countless proxies.

The purpose of this blog is catharsis. By some terrible act of divine wrath, I have been struck with a terrible curse, which forces me to read QC on a regular basis. When I read this abomination of a webcomic, I am filled with disgust and anger at the comic's very existence, let alone the cosmic injustice that could allow a man to actually make a living off this garbage. When I realized that this pure, festering rage has been having a negative impact on my health and the quality of my life, I knew that I needed to find a healthy outlet for it, before Questionable Content drove me to terrible deeds. Thus, I created this blog in order to purge these feelings in a constructive manner.

Again, this is not intended as an attack, and I mean no harm to anyone. In the event that I should offend anyone with the words in this blog, tough titties, because you can't be half as offended as I am to be coexisting on the same planet as QC.


Jhawh said...



Anonymous said...

You're not alone!

graifox said...

Grow up. If you don't like it don't read it, don't put some half arsed attempt at humour up to cover your crippling jealousy. So go on then give us the name of your failed webcomic so we can have a look and decide for ourselve whether you deserve equal or greater success Jef.